Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Sibling day

In honor of national sibling day I thought I would post some pictures/videos of my two favorite kids.

Despite the constant fighting and crying, they really do love each other. Jack is a typical big brother and is always finding ways to get under Lily's skin. He likes to chase her and scare her, he thinks it's funny to trip her and put her toys out of reach. And in doing this, he is turning Lily into one tough cookie. She has given Jack his fair share of scratch and bite marks. No one will be able to mess with Lily once she is a little bigger.

But every once in a while, the crying and teasing and torturing stops and Jack and Lily have moments of pure love and enjoyment for each other.

Like when Lily will lay in bed with Jack at night and he will sing her a song. Or when she will bring him books and sit in his lap and he will read them to her.

Or when they hide together and he lets her share the iPad with him

Or when they just play together nicely...and all is well with the world 

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