Saturday, December 14, 2019

December, 2019

December brought Jack's 5th grade trip to Keystone Science School for Eco-Week:

It was his first time away from home without family. After one long day of a snowy hike and cold/wet feet, Jack got sick and spike a fever. Thankfully there were teachers who took good care of him and nursed him back to health!

December also brought a visit to California as we went back to celebrate Uncle Russ' life after he passed of cancer. Long days of travelling led to another Josie sleeps anywhere pic:

The kids were excited to meet cousins: 

It was so fun to see the cousins together

We also had a chance to visit with Mema:

And my cousins: 

Josie got into a picture war with Acacia and Brad:

Group shot, good to be together despite the sad circumstance: 

We also made time to visit with Luke's family:

And go out to Korean BBQ

Back at school, it was a month of festivities. Including a whole-school assembly where all the kids received free teddy bears: 

A special visitor from the Executive Director of our school's authorizer:

Holiday sweater day:

And breakfast with Santa:

Josie falls asleep anywhere, even making a sticker puzzle:

We also hosted the teacher holiday party at our house (Luke took the kids bowling for the night):

The teachers had a blast playing VR

And Just Dance:

They partied until the kids came home, and then we partied some more:

Until Josie and Daddy fell asleep:

We had a generous donation of 5,000 books to start our school library. Luke rented a truck and drove 5 hours to pick them up, this is only half of the books: