Monday, August 22, 2016

School! And time with Josie

The kids both started school! Love their first day picture:

I think Lily's favorite part of school is the uniforms. She loves her school uniforms so much that she even wears them on the weekend.

Everyday Josie is so excited when we pick the kids up. She is always so happy to see them again.

Jack and some of his best buddies

With the kids at school all day there is more time with Josie. She is such a little ham

We've been so busy with the remodel that most of our day is spent running errands. But sometimes we stop for a treat

Josie loves to get into my makeup. Here she put on mascara

My little ham ready for a walk

She's also a little thief. She is known to take anything (iPhones, keys, rocks, etc) and put them in her clothes and walk away. Here she is trying to take some of the rocks

She is also very interested in doing everything herself. Even buttoning her shoe... which could take 30 minutes.

Oh, and not to mention she is ready to potty train already. I haven't been pushing her to potty train (she's not even 2), but she is ready. And if I don't take her to the potty she will end up playing with her poop.

And she throws major fits to rival any 2 year old. One of the biggest challenges is getting her into her car seat. There is always a fight!

And she wants to do everything by herself! Here is a fit that happened when I tried to help her bring her bike down the curb. I guess she wanted to bring her bike down the curb by herself...

But then the Josie dance is so cute that it makes up for all the fits

But she is so bossy... oh, so bossy!

And her little voice is so sweet. I could listen to her talk all day long. 

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