Saturday, June 30, 2018

June, hikes, birthdays,

Summer begins and we were back at track! This year, Josie was able to join her brother and sister. We also had many friends at track:

June is also the start of the "Healthy Kids Fun Run" series that we have been participating in every year for 5 years now:

We also participated in a French hike with a local guide. The excitement of the hike was when a rattlesnake launched out at Josie. Thankfully she was standing right next to our guide who grabbed her immediately away from the rattler. 

Working on the new school has been a full time job. Thankfully we received some grant funding to assist with childcare so the team could work. We arranged to have a French-speaking nanny take care of all of our combined children during the day. It has been so sweet to see them together. Here is rest time with the nanny group:
Study time at the nanny's:
 The nanny lets them do way more crafts than I do :)
My parents took Jack and Lily to California for the weekend:
 Our first ad for the new school was launched in a local magazine:
 We celebrated Fathers Day!

 We participated in the annual Fathers Day Run:
Then Luke got to enjoy playing video games on our new projector:

We enjoyed a few visits to Paddlers Pub:

We had a family volunteering day with VOC:

Josie is becoming more like her sister every day!

For Jack's birthday, Luke took him and 4 of his buddies to a local hotel with a big water-slide. They spent the night there swimming, eating pizza, then playing pokemon cards and staying up until midnight. Best birthday ever!

For my birthday, we had a no-kids poker and karaoke party. Not sure if it was just my lucky day, or if people we being nice because it was my birthday, but I finally won poker!

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