Tuesday, August 5, 2014

The pregnancy plan

This is the first pregnancy that I have made exercise a priority. I took the first 10 weeks off because of the flu/morning sickness... but since 10 weeks pregnant I have followed an exercise plan. I was able to keep up running until 22 weeks and then I switched to the elliptical machine. I usually do elliptical 3 days a week and then I have some pregnancy DVD's I do the other three days. I average 60 - 90 minutes of exercise daily. My hope is not only that I keep the pregnancy weight in check, but also that I do not have to be induced. I have also found that regardless of how tired I am in the morning, exercising always gives me more energy.
Lily is my exercise buddy and follows the DVD's with me
Right now I am just about 35 weeks along and I would love for this baby to be the first one who comes without induction. I guess only time will tell...

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